The first impression is usually a lasting impression. People generally remember the first time they met you, even years later. The same goes for your bio on Instagram.

The best Instagram bios are those that visitors can briefly learn about who you are, what you do, what products or services you offer and other details about you and your brand.

Instagram allows for 150 characters, so it’s important to use every character wisely. It may seem like a bio is not that important, but those 150 characters can be the difference between a visitor becoming a follower or moving on to the next page and clicking follow there instead.

The Importance of a Quality Bio

An Instagram bio is your introduction to the platform, so it’s imperative your description is memorable. If you’re representing a business or brand, a great bio attracts visitors to you and many times is the determining factor for them to follow or not.

The best Instagram bios encourage visitors and followers to interact with an individual or business and make contact with or visit your website for further information.

Other Reasons for​ a Quality Instagram Bio Include:

  • Setting the tone for your profile and how you want others to view your brand on Instagram
  • People only take a few seconds to view an Instagram profile so it’s necessary that the bio catches their eye right away
  • Some of the best Instagram bios can turn visitors into followers who may then convert to customers or clients

Instagram Profile Contents

Instagram application on mobile phone

Image source: Pexels

The bio is not the only area of your Instagram that will catch a visitor’s eye, it’s just the place they tend to look at first. To have one of the best Instagram bios, you need to have a great profile as well.

Your I​nstagram profile should:

  • Be completed thoroughly and be appealing to the eye
  • Be a public profile and not private if you represent a brand or business
  • Have notifications enabled to view and respond to comments from followers on your profile or when you are tagged
  • Have high-quality photos that catch the eye of visitors immediately after viewing your page

The contents of your Instagram profile should include a quality and informative bio, an identifiable profile picture, a recognizable username, and your website or comparable link.


Profile Picture

Website or Link


10 Tips for Writing the Best Instagram Bios

Now that you understand all the contents of your Instagram profile, it’s time to write your Instagram bio. The best Instagram bios make a statement, have a purpose and engage visitors, keeping their attention enough that they decide to follow. There should be some thought that goes into your Instagram bio to make a lasting impression.

1. Determine What You Want Your Bio to Say

2. Determine the Look and Feel of Your Bio

3. Determine Keywords

4. Don’t Forget Your Hashtags

5. Include Your Contact Information

6. Get Creative with Emojis

7. Give Your Bio Some Space and Breaks

8. Give Your Profile a Call to Action

9.  What’s Your Address?

10. Include Your Hours of Operation


Instagram is a great platform to promote your business and brand, but you need to make sure you stand out. Your bio is just as important as the photos you post to market your brand. Because of the 150 character limit, you should spend time crafting a bio that will tell who you are, help visitors and followers connect with you, discuss what you offer and encourage your audience to engage with you.

Ultimately, your bio should help you increase your followers and increase your website traffic. The best Instagram bios embody your brand and what you hope others will take away from your profile. Create a bio that will make visitors immediately want to follow and learn more about you.

Featured image source: Pexels